GUIKit001 - The complete GUI solution for indie game developersBuyGUISkin001 FeaturesTry it outGUISkinCustomizable

Orientation Switching

You turn the device and the game softly rotates towards the new orientation. OrientationControl makes this easy!

Simply select all device orientations you want to support and link your cameras, input scripts and GUI to the OrientationControl component.


Examples Included

The included example scene shows how to make GUI, Touch/Mouse Input and Camera orientation-independent as well as resolution-independent!

Works on iPhone, iPad, Android and PC/MAC.

All scripts are provided in JS and C# for Unity 3.


Support Retina Resolution

Detect retina displays and load different sets of assets for normal resolution and retina resolution.

OrientationControl provides a way to use the same code for both resolutions - no double coding needed!


Copyright (c) 2010 by BLACKISH

All components are available under this license.